Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A beginning.

I'm a regular guy. Married to a woman I very much love after all these years. Several children who are all I would hope. None of us is perfect - just sinners, several saved by grace with the young ones hopefully on the way toward that salvation. I'm a Christian. This fact permeates my life with love and joy, fear and trembling. Just a normal, everyday sort of man going about the business of life. There are several roles for which I've been responsible over the years. As mentioned above; Christian, husband and father and beyond those, myriad others like friend, brother, son, voter, mentor, teammate, neighbor, lifter and carrier, etc. The roles that spurred this blog, though, are those of provider, worker, employee, contributor, manager, team leader and all the others like them - all the roles associated with "earning a living" to pay for all of the earthly things we use and consume as people and families.

I'm a regular guy who lost his job and is trying to figure out the Christian response to that trial in all of its permutations.

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